Pete Fagan
A St. Louis native with over 8 years of experience in the travel and events industry, Pete specializes in managing multiple sales strategies and growing regional markets. He loves using media to tell strong stories that can elevate events and create memories that last a lifetime. Developing new partnerships and showing others what Unbridled Media can do to enhance an event, story, or brand is what makes Pete tick. When he is not working, you can bet he’s hiking, camping, cooking, reading, or relaxing in a hammock, usually with a history podcast in his ears. Ask him about good food, drink, travel, or entertainment–from Missouri to Morocco–and he can point you in the right direction.
Moment that sparked your passion
From a young age I have always loved learning about the process of creating movies, tv shows, music, and other media content. I was the kid that listened to the director’s commentary on DVDs nonstop and would read about the writing process for a tv show or album. I think the natural evolution of my interests lead me to seek out the world where those things are actually created was always the plan.
Desert island movie
This one is so tough and it would be hard to pick just one. The Prestige / Shawshank Redemption / The Departed
Favorite Quote
Too long to type here, but the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling.
Personal Hobbies
I love hiking and camping. Riding bikes with Mae and cooking. I love reading and listening to podcasts (mainly history ones). Drinking good bourbon and watching movies/tv. I buy art when it catches my eye.
Favorite Childhood Memory
Hmmm “Childhood” I take to mean anything before High School. I would say just my collective summers. We always had family road trips, biking around with my friends playing pickup baseball, basketball, football, and soccer. Swimming at the city pool and having camp outs. I was blessed with a safe and fun childhood.
Best quality others notice
I hope that others notice that I genuinely care for my family, friends, coworkers, and people in general. That my kindness sets the tone for how I build relationships.
Favorite Director
Martin Scorsese or Christopher Nolan or David Fincher
Favorite Genre
I like them all.
Dream travel destination
Japan or Patagonia and I would take my wife, MaeLyda.
Favorite TV Show
Too many to name – I really loved Devs, but Parks and Rec might be the winner for a fun watch.
Thanks for being unapologetically you, Pete.