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Ben Lamb

Executive Producer // Partner

Fueled by a lifelong passion for content and over 15 years in development and production, Ben Lamb has created award-winning branded video for the GRAMMYs, Verizon, Pepsi, Hyundai, CBS, All Def Digital, Korn Ferry International and more. Ben has enjoyed consuming mass amounts of film and TV before there was a Netflix-inspired term for it (‘I’m an O.G. Binger’). Operating out of our St. Louis office, Ben and his wife have three beautiful kids.

Get to know Ben better in this week’s Team Spotlight!

On the team 9 years 2 months

but more precisely 3365 days 2 hours 59 minutes and 10 seconds

Moment that sparked your passion

In the 80’s, Disney Sunday night Movies Of The Week were always a time that all 8 of my family members would be gathered together. I vividly remember watching the Patrick Dempsey lead A FIGHTING CHOICE, about an epileptic teen who desires to undergo experimental brain surgery to stop his seizures. I noticed that my Dad, puffing on Kent King cigarettes, was getting choked up so I sat on his lap and asked why was his eyes were getting sweaty. He looked down at me and said “I’m just glad all you kids are healthy.” A MOTW taught me an amazing lesson regarding my Dad’s emotions about us kids. At that moment, I knew I wanted to tell stories that brought families together and pulled out emotions that normally would lie beneath the surface.

Desert island movie


Favorite Quote

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. -Apostle Paul

Personal Hobbies

Lamb Family Movie Night is still a big focal point of the time I spend with my wife & kids. I refer to this time as a hobby as we spend this precious time breaking down story beats, camera movements (i.e rack focus) and actors choices to educate Sawyer, Crosby and Rockford on the importance of story. I also enjoy walking.

Favorite Childhood Memory

Family Dinners at my home growing up in the early 80’s were epic. Everyone was expected to bring a story to the table from that day, even us younger kids. I revered my older siblings at that point and listened to every word intensely to try and figure out why they were so cool. After years of breaking down their delivery, I can remember a moment, mid story, were I could see everyone listening intently to ME. I was using the lessons I learned from countless dinner time session to hook them and it made me feel like I could do anything.

Best quality others notice

I know it’s not necessarily a character trait, but I consider myself a loyal friend.

Favorite Director

Steven Spielberg

Favorite Genre


Dream travel destination

I’d really like to take my wife, Jill, and Lamb kids to Kauai.

Favorite TV Show

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, MAD MEN and WINNING TIME are my top three. CHEERS is up there also






When asked: “If you were a piece of filmmaking gear, what would you be?” Ben said: “Macbook Pro

“Assuming time travel is possible… what would 10-years-from-now version of you tell you today?” Ben said: “Just keep pushing

“What is the coolest thing that’s happened to you?” Ben said: “I’ve been blessed to have had more than a handful of special life moments but holding my kids for the first time is up there.”

Thanks for being unapologetically you, Ben.